
January 13, 2020 11:52 AM EST Adjectives do their best. Occasionally, though, they fall far short of the goal of helping to describing something properly. Case in point, when Twitter user @riley909090 went to purchase a fern described as “large” in an online ad, they weren’t expecting a “gigantic daughter” that more or less needs its own bedroom. According to a now-deleted Twitter thread, the soon-to-be fern owner paid just $40 for the plant from an elderly couple, who also threw in a jar of homemade honey in exchange for getting the fern out of their house.
Waiting on hold with an airline, cable provider or credit card company is a reliably irritating experience. So reliable, in fact, that researchers decided to study it—and might have come up with a fix. Playing pop music instead of instrumental elevator music may make callers less angry when someone finally answers, according to a study in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Elevator music, with an easy-listening melody that can repeat endlessly, invokes a feeling of dread in many of us.
Menu July 9 Explore July 9 Calendar Major Events 1401 Turko-Mongol ruler Tamerlane (Timur) destroys Baghdad, killing 20,000 1790 King Gustav III leads Swedish Naval forces to victory over the Russian Baltic fleet during the Second Battle of Svensksund, destroying or capturing one-third of the Russian ships and bringing an end to the Russo-Swedish War 1868 Louisiana and South Carolina are the last states to ratify the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, guaranteeing civil rights 1893 Surgeon Daniel Hale Williams performs the first successful open-heart surgery when he repairs the torn pericardium of knife wound patient James Cornish, without the use of penicillin or blood transfusion [1] 1917 British battleship HMS Vanguard explodes at Scapa Flow due to an internal explosion caused by faulty cordite, killing 804 crew members 1971 National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger secretly visits the People's Republic of China to negotiate a detente between the US and China 2002 The African Union is established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Your credit limit is the maximum amount of money a lender permits you to spend on a credit card or line of credit. Going over your credit card limit can result in consequences, including high fees, a drop in your credit score, and even the closure of your account. Luckily, there are things you can do to avoid going over your credit card limit. Can I go over my credit limit?
Here is what Jehovah’s Witnesses, Catholics, Muslims say about these particular habits. Jehovah’s Witness This organization prides itself as one that holds the Bible as the standard for everything. ADVERTISEMENT Hence, the group allows members take alcohol, as long as it is done moderately (See Proverbs 3:21, 22, Romans 12:1 and Titus 2:3). Meanwhile, masturbation is seen as a “form of uncleanness” that “fosters attitudes that can be mentally corrupting” while smoking is prohibited.
When his team decided to name the XBB.1.5 variant of COVID-19 “Kraken,” Ryan Gregory never imagined it would resonate the way that it did. It was an arbitrary nickname, meant to be an improvement on the confusing letter-and-number-salad system that led to official nomenclature like “XBB.1.5”—but certainly not designed to make the public think that this particular strain of COVID-19 was the most monstrous yet. “I always associated [the word] with the silly 1981 Clash of the Titans movie,” he says.
When we learned this week that Kathryn Hahn would play Joan Rivers in a series on Showtime called The Comeback Girl, the choice seemed like a no-brainer. Hahn, who recently stole the show as the nosy-neighbor-slash-powerful-witch Agatha in Marvel’s WandaVision, truly has the chops to channel the iconic, sharp-tongued comedy legend. But something about the casting also landed funny. That’s because of a troubling trend: by playing Rivers, Hahn will swell the ranks of non-Jewish actresses who have portrayed Jewish women, fictional and real, recently.
When a new relationship begins, there is a lot of sexual energy to dispense. There is a curiosity to explore each other’s bodies and learn more about each other. The desire is at its peak until the law of diminishing marginal utility sets in. The law of diminishing marginal utility states that as consumption increases, satisfaction diminishes. Why does the frequency of sex decrease? ADVERTISEMENT There are many reasons why sex can decline in a relationship.
When it’s dark outside in Anchorage, Alaska, therapist Karen Cunningham pulls on long johns, one of her 16 pairs ofsnow pants, a hat, gloves, her warmest coat, and snow boots, and lies down in a pile of fresh snow. “It’s pitch black, and these white things are just floating down so gently,” she says. “It’s hope for me. From the darkness comes all these infinite possibilities and creations.” Snow lovers like Cunningham are prone to wax poetic about how they fall for sparkling flakes again and again—even this year, as a record-setting 100-plus inches have already hit Anchorage.