
Aaron Huey has photographed the Oglala Lakota for seven years. The community of Sioux is confined to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, about 75 miles southeast of the Black Hills. In 1890, it was the site of the Wounded Knee Massacre. Today, it’s one of the most impoverished counties in the nation—a ground zero for substance abuse, gangs and domestic violence. It’s also a final resting place for millions of misinformed opinions that nothing else happens there.
The Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia is reported to install giant sun umbrellas to protect worshippers from the heat. According to anArab News report, the Grand Mosque will get more than 300 huge canopies to provide shade in its outdoor courtyards. The umbrellas will cover about 275,000 sq m (2.96 million sq ft) of the mosque's outdoor space to make pilgrims and worshippers more comfortable during daytime prayers.
The heart of a city may beat loudest in its restaurants, the places where people gather to eat and drink, to gossip and celebrate. In New York City and Philadelphia, for some 80 years, the Horn & Hardart Automats were perhaps the best measure of the pulse of city life, according to first-time filmmaker Lisa Hurwitz’s delightful documentary The Automat. Even if you’ve never had the pleasure of eating in an Automat, Hurwitz brings the experience to life.
Protecting yourself, your family, and your property are always important considerations. According to a 2023 survey from SafeHome.org, at least 72% of United States homeowners opt for some kind of home security system. In addition, according to a study conducted by the Chamber of Commerce, over a quarter of U.S. homeowners in 2023 were victims of package theft. As someone who lives on an upper floor in a Manhattan apartment building who has personally experienced package theft, I am always thankful for our video/audio doorbell/entry buzzer system.
The incident occurred on a red eye flight from San Francisco to Minneapolis in July, according to the complaint. Lanza, the 73-year-old Managing Director of Lanza Tech Ventures, acknowledges talking to Vachata on the flight, but denies that anything else occured. According to the complaint, Vachata took her seat after boarding the plane, opened her laptop and sent a quick email. Lanza was sitting next to her, the complaint says, saw the work email and started a conversation, asking about her company.
The News Agency of Nigeria( NAN) reports that Dantata, a former parliamentarian in the First Republic, spoke in Kano while receiving the delegation of 60 members of the House of Representatives seeking the return to the Parliamentary System. He said that Nigeria would be great again if the system was adopted. Dantata notes that the current Presidential System practised in the country was unmanageable and costly, hence the need for change.
Priceless because the avocado pear stands out among the fruit species. From its unique taste to its endless nutritional value, the evergreen fruit is loaded with a lot of health benefits that guarantee our well being. And as described by Chris Gunnar, avocado is loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids; with 77% of its calories coming from fat, thus making it one of the fattiest plant foods in existence.
PERDONENPerdonen mi silencio pero ni estoy creyendo lo que pasa, quizás es porque solo veo corazones mas me enseñaron en mi casa, que todos somos iguales sin importar la raza, religión, apellido; que a un hermano, se le abraza. LES JURO que no me siento bien, ni bien me puedo expresar, les juro que me duele y me duele hasta pensar. Que hoy aun por el color de piel de alguien, ¿lo puedan matar?
Cosby's first post on the social media site said, "Welcome Instagram. It's good for me," sharing a short video of himself. [Click below to watch] Reports claim on Monday night, when he posted his first photos and video, he took the stage at the Funny Or Die Clubhouse + Facebook Pop-Up HQ to joke about smart phones and other topics. According to Mashable, Facebook’s Dustin Bramell recorded and posted the video with Cosby.