
TIME January 26, 1976 12:00 AM EST Folks in the cattle and timber town of Baker, Ore. (pop. 9,500), are darkly suspicious of technical consultants, social scientists and similar experts. That posed a seemingly insurmountable problem for a committee of local citizens who thought that Baker needed outside help to improve its economy and keep the young people from moving away. But the committee members remembered how well the town had received some University of Oregon students who had conducted a humanities project in 1972 in which residents of Baker were interviewed on the quality of rural and smalltown life.
But even though I "felt" myself getting cleaner, loofah sponges can actually be breeding grounds for yucky bacteria. Those dead skin cells that come off with it can get tangled in the loofah, and a warm and moist bathroom is the perfect environment to feed bacteria, yeast, and mold growth. So yeah a loofah sponge can actually leave you worse off than when you started in terms of cleanliness.
Illustration of the Voyager 1 spacecraftTime Life Pictures It’s been a 33-year trip without so much as a pit stop for the Voyager. As the spacecraft propels itself further into deep space, the learning adventure for scientists continues. At a current distance of 10.8 billion miles from Earth, Voyager 1 is signaling to its handlers that it’s almost at the reaches of our Solar System. The latest news from the Voyager’s location is that the solar wind has slowed to zero.
Search the largest, most accurate site for today in sports history. ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7sLrToaCsnJGue6S7zGinnqegobJwwMSnpaKrXaW5osXEq6o%3D
The United States Women’s National Soccer Team (USWNT), revived by a fresh-faced coaching staff and a roster of young, dynamic players positioned to keep the squad at the top of the table for the next decade or more, won the Olympic gold medal on Saturday at Parc des Princes, defeating Brazil in the final 1-0. Team USA, which hadn’t won an Olympic gold medal since 2012, in London, and was bounced from last year’s World Cup in the round-of-16, the earliest-ever exit for an American team, returns to its familiar position as the team-to-beat.
Earlier this year, women’s average life expectancy climbed above 80 for the first time. Of course, that’s just a statistic, and statistics pale in the face of real-life circumstances. When breast cancer killed Elizabeth Edwards today at the age of 61, she bucked that trend. But there’s another trend that she personified — that of women over 40 having babies. In April, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the birth rate for women between the ages of 40 and 44 jumped 4% in 2008 from the year before just as the birth rate for women under 40 dropped.
On my second day in L.A., back in 1984, my car caught on fire and I lost everything. I could have turned around and bought a bus ticket home to St. Louis. Instead, I chose to stay and press on. Forty years later, I’m not only still in Los Angeles, but I've found myself at the Emmys as part of the cast of a nominated TV show. Reaching the the Emmys was a feat: there was a maze of security, metal detectors, bomb- and COVID-19-sniffing dogs.
As a result, Hartman has filed a restraining order over the incident, which allegedly occurred in November at Manning's New York apartment. A judge declined to grant Hartman the restraining order, citing that she filed it in Los Angeles, when the alleged incident took place in New York. Manning's attorney tells People magazine that the OITNB star, 37, has not had any recent contact with the makeup artist. The pair have a long history together, with Manning arrested in 2012 for allegedly assaulting Hartman.
Born Clifford Oche to Idoma, Benue State parents, who is now known as Iris Sahhara Henson, warns everyone to stop referring to her as a man, decided to pen a strong worded letter to journalists/bloggers with special mention of foremost blogger, Linda Ikeji. Miss Sahhara ADVERTISEMENT Photo Credit: Facebook Read her letter here: "#‎LindaIkeji TO LINDA IKEJI ET AL., this is not a rant, rather an education: I never lived as a 'Gay man' in Nigeria!