
October 20, 2016 2:18 PM EDT A Hong Kong man, affectionately dubbed “Starbucks Uncle” by social media, had one strategy when the coffee shop began to flood: keep calm and hang out. As it became flooded with standing water, he sat reading his newspaper, unperturbed by the typhoon raging outside, leading swirling waters to infiltrate his caffeine sanctuary. This week, Hong Kong has been dealing with torrential rainstorms and gale-force winds from Super Typhoon Haima, leading to flash flooding across the city.
Here are some of the scriptures about freedom that can be found in the Bible. 1. John 8:36- "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." ADVERTISEMENT 2. 1 Corinthians 6:12- "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anything. 3. Galatians 5:1- "
The tribunal upheld the election of the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate Usman Ododo and rejected the petition filed by Muritala Ajaka of the Social Democratic Party (SDP). The three-member tribunal, headed by Justice Ado Birnin-Kudu, on Monday, May 27, determined that the SDP and its candidate, Murtala Ajaka, did not substantiate their claims against the respondents. According to Channels TV, Justice Birnin-Kudu stated that the election was conducted in substantial compliance with the Electoral Act.
Speaking during a morning show on Wednesday, August 03, 2022, Rufai apologized to friends, family and colleagues over the incident, saying he does not know it all. Rufai Oseni's apology: “As many of you know, I have been in the news for a few days for the wrong reasons. This has resulted in needless distraction for my friends, family, members of the public and for all my colleagues here on Arise News Channel.
October 21, 2015 7:21 PM EDT Seems like Team Feel-the-Bern has a supporter from the future-past. To mark Back to the Future Day, Sanders posted a photo of himself with Christopher Lloyd, the actor who played Doc Brown in the iconic movie series. “Tell me, future boy, who’s President of the United States in 2017?” reads the caption. After being informed it’s (hypothetically) Sen. Sanders, Doc Brown exclaims: “Bernie Sanders?! From Vermont?
An excellent white elephant gift succeeds on multiple levels—a practical item is always welcome, but a unique gift that can raise a laugh or, better yet, inspire a steal or a swap, is always in demand. While shopping for the loved ones on your list can be more straightforward, securing the right white elephant gift takes creativity, ingenuity, and a sense of humor. Lucky for you, however, we've taken some of the guesswork out of finding a cheeky (and steal-worthy) gift for your next holiday party—and the best part?
Out of the comparative quiet of noon-hour one day last week in the mining village of Millfield, Ohio, a great rumbling and roar burst skyward. Suddenly the place swarmed with running human beings who converged on a wooden shed covering the shaft of Sunday Creek Coal Co.’s mine No. 6. Men, women & children hurried, hurried, their faces set, their eyes wide with foreknowledge that what every miner fears had happened.
And it is known for both its great taste and lot of vitamin minerals. Categorized as seafood, studies have shown that cooked crayfish is rich in vitamin B, copper, selenium, protein, iron, zinc, and amino acids. And they help promote body metabolism as well as regenerating body cells. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which helps in the promotion of healthy joints and overall body health. There is also protein in crayfish, and it serves as building block for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
Darren Walker, the president of the Ford Foundation, announced on July 22 that he intended to leave the highly influential position by the end of 2025. Under his 11-year tenure, Ford's endowment grew from just over $11 billion to just under $17 billion, slightly smaller than the GDP of Jamaica. He divested the fund from fossil fuels and for-profit prisons and redirected much of the fund's attention to addressing inequality. Walker, who was born in Ames, Texas, was one of the first children ever enrolled in a Head Start program, in a one-room schoolhouse.