
TIME July 24, 1972 12:00 AM EDT One of the sad ironies of justice is that noble legal principles sometimes derive from ignoble lives. So it was with Andrew Mallory, a 19-year-old drifter from South Carolina, who was arrested in Washington in 1954 on a charge of choking and raping a 38-year-old woman while she was doing her laundry. The police interrogated him for seven hours and got him to confess.
The supermodel and Project Runway host is known to wear daring creations, and at the 2008 Academy Awards, Heidi Klum was a bold and beautiful blonde in this dramatic John Galliano stunner. Next Jessica Biel Best Red Dresses on the Red CarpetncG1vNJzZmirpK65pnrToqSeZpOkunB%2Bj2pqaGhiZH51e9OhnGakn6S4brvFZqOorpVir6a%2F02apnpxdmb%2Bmv9KeqmannmLBqbGMq5ydZZOWv7Gx02iqpaGUmnypscidoGajnKq6cA%3D%3D
A Beyoncé album is best experienced by listening to it in full, and Cowboy Carter is no exception. Its rich narrative plays out across the expanse of 27 tracks that include not just songs, but spoken interludes. For the album, which released early Friday morning, Beyoncé invites listeners to tune in to a fictional radio station, KNTRY Radio Texas (a cheeky play on the fictional broadcast news station, KNTY News, that she debuted as part of her Renaissance world tour set), where different radio shows are hosted by some of the biggest names in country music.
See All Covers ncG1vNJzZmibn6PBprrTZ6uipZVjsLC5jq2gpp1fmLy3sdGsZmlkYWuDdX2LanBrbWBufXh4j2lloaydoQ%3D%3D
May 30, 1778 — As he lay dying on this day, the great French writer Voltaire noticed that the lamp next to his bed was violently flickering and flaring up. "What? The flames already?" he quipped. They were the last words he spoke. Earlier, when a priest asked him to renounce Satan he refused, allegedly declaring: "This is no time to make any more enemies!" Both anecdotes are of questionable authenticity but they so fit the personality of this remarkable man that they have been attributed to him in many quarters without hesitation.
HustlerA scene from Hustler's "This Ain't Girls XXX." The porn star hired to play Hannah Horvath in Hustler’s XXX reinterpretation of the HBO hit Girls doesn’t understand why Lena Dunham can’t appreciate her work. “It seemed like she liked the parody that SNL did of her, so obviously it wasn’t making fun of her that was the issue,” 24-year-old Alex Chance told TIME. Yet while Dunham tweeted that SNL’s skit “was a true honor,” of This Ain’t Girls XXX, she extolled: “It grosses me out.
The COVID-19 lull in the U.S. may soon come to an end, as a new family of SARS-CoV-2 variants—nicknamed “FLiRT” variants—begins to spread nationwide. These variants are distant Omicron relatives that spun out from JN.1, the variant behind the surge in cases this past winter. They’ve been dubbed “FLiRT” variants based on the technical names for their mutations, one of which includes the letters “F” and “L,” and another of which includes the letters “R” and “T.
Marcelo Santos / Getty Images Amidst all the talk this past week about Pamela Druckerman’s new book, Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting, there was one phrase that immediately lodged itself in my mind. It was in a sidebar that ran with the Wall Street Journal adaptation of her book, “Why French Parents Are Superior,” and it said this: “Children should say hello, goodbye, thank you and please.
Until very recently, you could walk into any restaurant, any bar, and make one simple request: “Tell me one whiskey or bourbon on your back bar that represents someone who is not a white male.” Then just wait while they look over bottles named for Jack, Johnnie, Pappy, and so on. Before I started the Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey Company, white males represented 30% of this country’s population and 100% of the available whiskeys—100%.