Murder Suspect Is Linked to Screenshot of Siri Search for Where to Hide a Body

August 13, 2014 3:16 AM EDT
Correction appended, Aug. 13
A man accused of killing a fellow student in Florida was linked by authorities Tuesday to an image purportedly of an Internet search asking where to “hide my roommate.”
The evidence was presented in the trial of Pedro Bravo, who is charged with killing Christian Aguilar after an argument over Bravo’s ex-girlfriend, whom Aguilar had been dating, CBS Miami reports. Detectives have been reviewing Bravo’s phone for clues, and found what was purportedly cached image of an iPhone’s voice-activated “Siri” search function. In the image, a user is depicted asking “I need to hide my roommate,” and Siri responds “What kind of place are you looking for?” CBS reports.
But police on Wednesday made clear that the detective testifying in the case never said Bravo actually had such a conversation with Siri. And video of trial proceedings posted by local news station WUFT indicates the image came from Facebook as viewed on the phone but didn’t actually come from Bravo’s phone, which didn’t have Siri capability.
Bravo is accused of killing Aguilar in 2012. Bravo has pleaded not guilty.
Correction: The original version of this story incorrectly described an image presented at Pedro Bravo’s trial and incorrectly described the relationship between Bravo and Christian Aguilar.