
Louis XIV (The Sun King of France)

Profession: The Sun King of France

Biography: The longest ruling monarch in European history, Louis XIV came to the throne aged 4 and went on to rule for 72 years. His rule established France as one of the pre-eminent powers of Europe, through early reforms, successful wars, creation of a French Empire and through his patronage of the arts.

He was also the builder of the Palace of Versailles to where he moved the court of France in 1682. In 1685 he issued the Edict of Fontainebleau revoking the Edit of Nantes and ending tolerance of Protestants.

Born: September 5, 1638
Birthplace: Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France
Star Sign: Virgo

Died: September 1, 1715 (aged 76)
Cause of Death: Gangrene

Articles and Photos

Historical Events

  • 1643-05-14 Louis XIV becomes King of France aged 4
  • 1651-11-07 King Louis XIV of France (13) declared of full age
  • 1654-06-07 Louis XIV crowned King of France
  • 1659-11-07 The Treaty of the Pyrenees signed by representatives of French King Louis XIV & Spanish king Philip IV
  • 1661-03-10 King Louis XIV begins his personal rule of France, after the death of his chief minister, Cardinal Mazarin
  • 1661-08-17 French Superintendent of Finances Nicolas Fouquet throws one of the grandest and opulent parties ever seen in France, appalling King Louis XIV and leading to Fouquet's arrest for embezzlement weeks later
  • 1661-09-05 Nicolas Fouquet, French Superintendent of Finances under Louis XIV is arrested for maladministration of state funds; he dies in 1680, never seeing freedom again.
  • 1664-05-07 Louis XIV of France inaugurates The Palace of Versailles
  • 1665-09-22 Moliere's comedic play "L'amour Medecin" premieres for King Louis XIV at Versailles
  • 1666-12-22 The French Academy of Sciences, founded by Louis XIV with Jean-Baptiste Colbert first meets in the Kings Library
  • 1668-01-19 French King Louis XIV and Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I sign a secret Partition Treaty, dividing the Spanish Empire if Charles II of Spain died without an heir
  • 1669-02-01 French King Louis XIV limits freedom of religion
  • 1670-06-01 English King Charles II & French King Louis XIV sign secret anti-Dutch treaty
  • 1670-09-18 French bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet appointed tutor to the Dauphin, son of Louis XIV
  • 1671-11-01 French King Louis XIV and Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I sign secret anti-Dutch treaty
  • 1672-04-29 Franco-Dutch War: Louis XIV of France invades the Netherlands
  • 1672-06-21 French troops under King Louis XIV occupy Utrecht
  • 1673-06-06 Treaty of Vossem: French King Louis XIV and Frederik Willem, Elector of Brandenburg
  • 1673-08-21 King Louis XIV donates 600 books to found the library of L'Académie française
  • 1682-05-06 Louis XIV of France moves his court to Versailles
  • 1683-09-24 King Louis XIV expels all Jews from French possessions in the Americas
  • 1685-08-06 King Louis XIV's Code Noir decree, policing slavery in French colonies is first adopted by the Sovereign Council of Martinique
  • 1685-10-18 French King Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes cancelling rights of French Protestants
  • 1688-11-26 French King Louis XIV declares war on Netherlands
  • 1689-04-15 French King Louis XIV declares war on Spain
  • 1690-03-16 French King Louis XIV sends troops to Ireland
  • 1695-08-13 Bombardment of Brussels begins by French army of Louis XIV, the Grand-Place and much of the city is destroyed during the Nine Years' War
  • 1696-08-29 King Louis XIV of France and Victor Amadeus II, Duke of Savoy sign Peace of Turin, a turning point in the War of the League of Augsburg
  • 1715-09-01 King Louis XIV of France dies after a reign of 72 years—the longest of any major European monarch.
  • 2022-12-18 Cinderella's glass slipper really a witty literary joke, by Charles Perrault, poking fun at French King Louis XIV's love of shoes and Versailles' Hall of Mirrors according to Scottish professor Genevieve Warwick

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Update: 2024-08-19