
People Who Put Ice Cubes in Breakfast Cereal Are Not Alone

July 8, 2015 4:25 PM EDT

Last month, one Twitter user posted a photo of a bowl of Lucky Charms, which was totally average except for one detail:

Yes, that’s a bowl of cereal with ice cubes in it. The photo gained more than a thousand retweets, because so many people were dumbfounded by this strange concept. But we now know that several of these retweets probably came from people who do the exact same thing. This is a totally real trend that people have been quietly documenting for several years now:

Some people throw in tons of ice cubes:

While others only feel it’s necessary to use one or two:

Tons of people seem to think this is a really weird practice, so it’s nice for these people to finally realize they’re not alone in the world. In fact, now that the trend is getting some mainstream attention, some people have admitted that they’ve tried it for the first time — and loved it. (Oh, and if you’re wondering why people do this, it’s just because they like their milk extra cold.)

Admittedly, this does seem sort of refreshing, but many skeptics have expressed a very real concern: won’t the milk get too watery? The solution is probably just to eat your cereal very rapidly.

QUIZ: Should You Eat This or That?


Billy Koelling

Update: 2024-08-17