
5 Guinness World Records that are relatively easy to break

Breaking a World Record won’t be easy, but it shouldn’t be too hard as well, that’s why we came up with five world records you can easily smash.


If you love to do laundry or fold clothes, then it should be pretty easy for you. The current record is 31 shirts folded in one minute. How many shirts do you think you can fold in less than a minute?

The current record for this is 51 coins stacked in 30 seconds. Any coin with a maximum thickness of 3 mm may be used. However, such stacking can only be done with one hand, the other hand should be behind your back. Additionally, the stack has to stand for five seconds after the 30 seconds are up.


The current record is 5.78 seconds, that’s not an easy record to beat, so good luck with that. In this activity, you will be organizing the cans in the fridge.

There are some general rules: You must start with the refrigerator door closed, use a professional refrigerator, and the cans must be complete and unopened. The attempt is invalid if any of the cans fall or if any of them ends up damaged or dented while being moved.

If you are a movie or series lover, then you can always try this challenge. Let’s face it, you have probably spent all day and night watching a movie or series, so why don’t you push yourself to do it for a week?


On December 13th, 2015, Suresh Joachim achieved a remarkable feat in Johannesburg, South Africa - he shattered the world record for the longest movie marathon by watching films for a staggering 121 hours and 18 minutes non-stop.

To be able to do this, here are some general guidelines: sleeping is not permitted, but you can eat and drink, it has to take place in a public theatre, there must be two witnesses, a medical supervisor must always be present, and you can only use the restroom during the 15-minute break that follows every third film.

You would be setting a new record if you try this with Nigerian food. This one should be pretty easy if you like to cook, or you have the energy for such activity. All you have to think of doing is making whatever you are cooking very big.


If you are making solid food like eba also make sure you are making soup along with it. The food cannot be wasted, gather a lot of people to eat it. Also, make sure you make it quickly so no one beats your record.


Billy Koelling

Update: 2024-08-07